Make a complaint

We always try to achieve a high standard of service but realise sometimes we don’t always get this right. We would like to be able to resolve your concerns quickly and effectively so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

To help us understand please provide the following details:

Make a Complaint
Alternatively, please contact us on 0344 844 3844 from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday with the above details to hand if possible.

The process:

We aim to try and resolve your complaint within three working days and will send you a Summary Resolution letter if your complaint is fully resolved.

If we’re unable to resolve your complaint, we’ll assign your matter to a complaint specialist to investigate. The complaints specialist will keep you updated throughout the process.

Once investigations have been carried out, we will write to you with a final decision and reason within 8 weeks.

If your complaint is in reference to one of our outsourced parties or your broker it’s sometimes necessary to transfer this to them. They’re then able to appropriately manage a more efficient outcome for you and we will always update you if this happens to your complaint.

If we are unable to reach a resolution you can contact the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) to review your complaint, but please allow Uinsure to investigate and resolve your matter first.

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